Where can I find Academic Writer?
You can find Academic Writer by selecting the "Find" drop down menu on the library's homepage, then select "Articles/Databases" . Select "A to Z list of databases" and then select Academic Writer.
How to set up your login with Academic Writer:
1. Select the Academic Writer link above
2. If prompted, enter your SAU login info
3. Once you are at the Academic Writer website, look for "Welcome" at the top of your screen:
4. Select Log In
5. Select the CREATE AN ACCOUNT button
6. Enter your SAU arbor email address
7. Create/add a password. Select the box for the Privacy Policy notice. Then select the Create Account button.
8. Check your SAU arbor email for a confirmation email from Academic Writer. Follow the instructions from Academic Writer in the email.
9. Once you have confirmed your email with Academic Writer, you are all set!
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