How I can upload a peer reviewed article using the assignment link in Blackboard?

This question is frequently asked by MSN students in their NUR 060 course.


I'm assuming this is the assignment you're working on:

If you are in Module 2B in Blackboard, you should see this:



The title Activities and Assignments - Module 2B is actually hyperlinked - click on that title. It will take you to an area that looks like this:


Both of these titles are also hyperlinked: the top link will route you to the discussion board selections; the second one will take you to the place where you upload the article you chose. Click on Choosing a Peer Reviewed Article.


That page looks like this:


From here, you will need to remember where you saved your article (computer desktop, My Documents folder, etc). Choose the Browse Local Files button to go into the menu to allow you to navigate to the place on your computer that it is saved. Follow the prompts you are given.  If you need to add comments, do that at this time in the indicated box. Once you are completely finished, click on the Submit button at the lower right corner of your screen - on the above image, it is the blue rectangle.


Trust this helps. Please reach out if you have additional questions.

  • Last Updated Nov 01, 2021
  • Views 16
  • Answered By Elizabeth Walker

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