Where do I locate the information on human protection certification that was provided in my DNP course?

I need to take some human protection training for my DNP course but am uncertain of my options. I recall my professor mentioning a variety of resources but cannot recall where to find those.


When you took your DNP course, NUR810, you likely saw some links to testing opportunities for Research Ethics Training/Human Protection Training. The following is a list of those items that had been provided; note that many specialized testing instruments cost money, but there are a couple options below that are free. If you're uncertain about a specific test's applicability to your project, please consult your professor:

The White Library also has research consultation appointments and may be able to provide help with searches or other helpful sources and tools (NOTE: They do not have specialized testing instruments; those need to be purchased through the provider)

  • Last Updated Apr 20, 2021
  • Views 86
  • Answered By White Library

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