Where do I locate the information on human protection certification that was provided in my DNP course?
I need to take some human protection training for my DNP course but am uncertain of my options. I recall my professor mentioning a variety of resources but cannot recall where to find those.
When you took your DNP course, NUR810, you likely saw some links to testing opportunities for Research Ethics Training/Human Protection Training. The following is a list of those items that had been provided; note that many specialized testing instruments cost money, but there are a couple options below that are free. If you're uncertain about a specific test's applicability to your project, please consult your professor:
- Research Ethics Training Curriculum - discussed in the program orientation - FREE through Family Health Improvement 360 (fhi360 - see attached PDF for detailed instructions)
- Human Subjects Research (HSR) CITI Program https://about.citiprogram.org/en/series/human-subjects-research-hsr/
- National Institutes of Health Training & Resources: https://grants.nih.gov/policy/humansubjects/training-and-resources.htm
- The Association of Clinical Research Professionals offers a free training program and certificate of completion without receiving contact hours: https://acrpnet.org/courses/ethics-human-subject-protection/
- The Health Resources and Services Administration also provides a link to NIH training on Protecting Human Research Participants that is free with creation of an account: https://www.hrsa.gov/public-health/clinical/human-subjects/index.html
- If you have never read the Belmont Report or would like to explore more topics and resources on the conduct of ethical research you can read the full report, watch videos and access other resources at https://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/regulations-and-policy/belmont-report/index.html
The White Library also has research consultation appointments and may be able to provide help with searches or other helpful sources and tools (NOTE: They do not have specialized testing instruments; those need to be purchased through the provider)
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