How do I save an article to a folder? I tried to save an article to a database folder but now I can't find it.


Please note: database folders are not connected to your SAU login credentials (the one that you use for MySAU, Blackboard, etc.)  A database folder will remember your saved article only if you have created a separate login and have signed in before saving your articles.  

To save an article to a folder:

1.  Select one of the library's databases:

2.  Once you have selected a database, select the "Sign In" or "My Account" option at the top of the screen and log in with the unique username/password you created.  Each database will look a little different.

Ebsco, ProQuest, and Ovid interfaces, respectively.

3.  Once you have signed in, search the database for articles on your topic.  When you find an article you want to save, select the folder icon next to article.  The database will retain the articles in your folder and you can access them later using the login and password you created for the database.


Don't want to create an account?  No problem!  You can also save articles to a flash drive, laptop, Google drive, etc.  Simply click on the title of the article you want to save.  Then look for the options to SAVE, PRINT, DOWNLOAD, etc. and choose the one that you want.


Still having trouble?  We'll be glad to walk you through it!  Contact a Librarian.

  • Last Updated Oct 23, 2023
  • Views 103
  • Answered By Kami Moyer

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