Where can I get something laminated in the library?


Laminating services are currently limited due to staffing shortages.

1-6 pages of 8.5 x 11 (or smaller):

Stop by the Circulation Desk.  We have a small Scotch heat laminator and a small cold laminator for small jobs.  $1.00 per sheet or per foot.

Larger laminating jobs, 6 pages or more:

  • SAU Departments, staff, and faculty are welcome to use the large laminator on a walk-in basis.  The laminator takes 10-20 minutes of prep time to heat up.  Please plan accordingly.  The laminator is located in the Workroom on the library's lower level.  Need help using the laminator?  Please arrange for library assistance at least 2 business days in advance.  Sorry, due to staffing shortages, we may not be able to assist walk-ins.   Email: white.library@arbor.edu
  • Students: please email the library white.library@arbor.edu to arrange for access.

Lamination costs $1.00 per foot.

  • Last Updated Nov 22, 2024
  • Views 848
  • Answered By Kami Moyer

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